Prem with Dadaji

Prem with Dadaji
Gratitude! Gratitude!! Gratitude!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Ten Points to Survive Six Months of Grand Cross

Grand Cross means various planets opposing each other and are also at 90 degrees that forms the cross!

1. Be in harmony with surroundings: Grand Cross is the time of conflicts so accept things, beings, and situations as they are! No need to resist, criticize, condemn or judge anything…Just flow with life and whatever it brings, have total acceptance of everything that life brings with its flow. You will save lot of your energy that otherwise goes in opposing! With this you will see that suddenly things start changing! Your unconditional acceptance of everything as it is; brings about the magical transformation that creates harmony in surroundings!!

2. Smile more often: Every time you face a conflict in a relationship or at work place, just detach yourself from within and Smile! Smile at every absurdity of ego! Keep smiling. Be a “Smile Millionaire”!

3. Guard against Ego tussles: Grand Cross is the time for greatest ego tussles! As Jupiter and Saturn oppose each other, there will be lot of power struggle everywhere. You may find many leaders exposed in every field. People who are not clear in their mind will get stuck because of status quo created because of opposing forces. Devotion, Bhakti, Surrender to Lord is the best way to keep off the ego tussles!

4. “Think Big” is not right: This is not the right time to “Think Big” or make it big! This is the time to consolidate wherever you are. If you are in a good job, and if you can continue, thank God! This is the time to balance!

5. Unconditional Love – Unconditional Forgiveness: If you face insults, ridicule, criticism… which is most likely because of opposing forces, learn to unconditionally forgive the person who has done harm to you. Offering unconditional forgiveness to everyone around including oneself is the best way to purify our heart. Only pure heart can love unconditionally. Love yourself; love everyone in your life. Love everything that is there in existence! With unconditional forgiveness and unconditional love, one understands that existence is whole, complete and perfect the way it is!

6. Be focused in your life: The wavering and wondering mind which is more like monkey may not allow us to focus on the right thing at right time and hence we land up in troubles. We need to learn to keep our focus on the job at hand, keeping our value system intact and alive. Every time your mind wavers, take a deep breath and come back to your point of focus!

7. Be in the company of wise ones as much as possible: In these conflicting times, company of the wise one is most preferred! Grand Cross offers most beautiful opportunity for us to see our “Blind Spots” and with the help of wise one; we can learn to come out of those blind spots. Company of wise one is the blessings of life!

8. Practice Kriya & Meditation regularly: This is the best thing to do and simplest of all. Make it a part of your life on day to day basis. Never miss it for a single day! Walk the path of purity and avoid outside dependency in your spiritual practices. Remember, dependency can invite exploitation.

9. Strengthen your wings of Awareness and Understanding: Practice ADP methodology you have learnt. Practice “Sandhikal Jagrukta” more and more through practice of “Ajapa Gayatri” Meditation. Practice it with every breath! This will continuously increase your awareness. Read scriptures and attend the Satsang with spiritual masters’ whenever possible. Go on increasing your understanding as much as possible and go on internalizing it.

10. Do your best and leave the rest to God: Do all that is possible for you, see that there is no lethargy in your system but when you hit the pillow, surrender to Lord! Do not carry your worries and anxieties to your sleep. Relax well and tackle each day as it comes, with great joy and enthusiasm!

Shivoham, Om Prem


  1. Thank You!Thank You!! Thank You!!!
    Simply beautiful. So very precise.
    I am so sure that by following these ten points religiously and ardently and seriously we will be able to sail through these turbulent times.


  2. Thank you for your timely inputs on the path. The effects of these planetary shift are already seen and one can tackle it by sincerely doing Kriya followed by meditation and scaling in Understanding and Awareness

  3. Great Sir,
    As Usual you have kept it simple and easy to understand, follow and spread the message to make the most of us in turbulent times.

    Cheers to you and All those Siddhas who are asserting every moment of their LIFE to make this World a Beautiful Paradise again

  4. very valuable advice in right time.thnx with gratitude.dr deepak

  5. Namaste Guruji,
    Simply Great.Just by reading these beautiful inspiring lines, what i (petty little ego) observe was , my mind becomes more and more quiet.Even the words of the masters are so powerful.Thanks Guruji for sharing and helping us, as always.Thanks s lot.

    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson"

  6. With your guidance we are growing with balance in life. Thanks a lot Sir !! regards, Vinayak

  7. Thank you very much Sir for your guidance which as usual is very timely and very very helpful. Blessed are we who have the good fortune of being in your company from time to time. The growing understanding, awareness and your invaluable guidance will sail us through the turbulant times.
    Lots and lots of gratitude.

  8. Great & clear cut explanation and guidance about the Grand Cross. The illustrations are also leading to crystal clear understanding of what the grand cross is and what is expected of us. Thanks Sir & God bless you for your lighting up our spiritual path with your flood lights.

  9. Sir, this was just the right time that i read your article. 'EGO TUSSLES' is the key word for me. With so many upheavals occuring, of late, around me your advice is tremendously helping me stay grounded. I'm trying my best to keep others around me composed as well. My sincerest gratitude and love for you and your teachings!!!

  10. very well said thanks for the insight.


  11. MOTHER...thats the word that came to my mind when i read your 10 points.guruji,you are always guiding us on our souls journey towards being a jeevan mukta.But this invaluable advise, given as points, to survive the difficult period well ahead of time showed me the vision of my beloved guru as my MOTHER,who wants to protect her children before any dangers and hence forewarns them.I bow down at your feet with gratitude.

  12. Thanks Guruji for presenting to us in a very beautiful manner the ten points .All of us who have been with Guruji are truely blessed as so much of learning and growing has happened .My pranams.

  13. Thank you Sir for these wonderful yet simple to understand points. (don't know about implementation though [;)], but I think that with regular kriya, many of these points automatically become embedded in us.)

  14. 'Company of wise one is the blessing of life'
    We are in your company & shadow of your blessings, in this critical condition, your guidence is helping us to servive our life peacefully & lighting our path to walk safly. with guidence of 10 points you are taking our care very sincerly & giveing us currage.Realy you are the 'MAULI' that seance. thank you very much with love & gratitude.
    By Ma Vijaya

  15. Dear Guruji

    First Enlightened Billionaire, now Smile Millionaire....its perfect:)

    Deep Gratitude....

  16. Simple and precise. Easy to internalise and practice.

  17. Thank you for the deep insight Guruji..

    We are immensly blessed to have you at this point in time.

    Deepest Gratitude...Very Thankful!

  18. Thank you very much friends, for your Love and encouragement. I love you all! Om Prem
