Prem with Dadaji

Prem with Dadaji
Gratitude! Gratitude!! Gratitude!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Unconditional Love & Unconditional Forgiveness

Mahavatar Babaji, the Immortal Yogi of Himalaya is helping humanity to ascend to higher spiritual realms in 2012 and beyond and the ascension process will continue up to 2028. Those who are full of fear, anger, guilt, shame and such negative emotions… cannot ascend because of the sheer weight of these emotions which acts like binding chains tying up our feet! Negative emotions create very heavy karmic load that makes it impossible to ascend.

Read more about ascension process here…!/notes/prem-nirmal/ascension-and-akashik-records-part-1/205889438898!/notes/prem-nirmal/ascension-and-akashik-records-part-2/209106973898!/notes/prem-nirmal/ascension-and-dna-activation/211161888898

The current Grand Cross situation will throw various higher level challenges at us to test our Love for humanity as conflicts will be very heavy! Many immature people who are not willing to learn spiritual values will be torn apart from within and may go into deep depression during this period of coming six months as natural calamities like tornados, earthquakes and flooding will increase creating lots of emotional disturbances in monkey mind!

So what can we do to pass through this situation peacefully? Learn, understand and practice Mahavatar Babaji’s teachings of Unconditional Love and Unconditional Forgiveness!

First of all accept yourself as you are! You are unique!

Now look within and see the barriers to pure love. What prevents love to flow? Are there negative thoughts, negative emotions? Watch your thoughts and emotions with aloof attention, detach yourself from the garbage!

Wash away your negativity by doing kriya regularly and dive deep into meditation! More you learn to stay in zero state or vacuum state or thoughtless – No Mind state, more you will experience peace!

Look into your past hurts and humiliations, the deeper scars on your psyche. Forgive all those people who have done harm to you. Send love vibrations to all and include your enemies (if any!) in your prayers. When you forgive unconditionally, you unburden your heart! You will be the most benefited person in doing so!!

Change your attitudes and be more positive. Radiate positivity and unconditional love! Be in harmony with surroundings. Love Mother Nature (prakriti) and take care of mother earth. Be in a state of Love, always! Become love!! Pure Love!!

Few interesting quotes on Power of Love:

'This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.' ~ Rumi

"Listen to me, brothers. He understands who loves." – Kabir

When your inner unconditional Love overcomes your outer conditions, you have arrived home! ~ Prem Nirmal

Abolish your love for power and enjoy the power of Love, you will experience bliss! ~ Prem Nirmal

Anything that is of value in life only multiplies when it is given. ~ Deepak Chopra

Love and compassion open our own inner life, reducing stress, distrust and loneliness. ~ Dalai Lama

Gratitude! Gratitude!! Gratitude!!!
For the Great Immortal Yogi of Himalaya Sri Mahavatar Babaji!!!!
Prem Nirmal


  1. Yes, it is all about learning and implementing the same. If we do not do it then life will teach us in its own way. The coming times may be turbulent but it is a good opportunity to grow. It is the time to change our old ways of living and learn to operate out of unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness. Thank you for always reminding us of our true nature and helping and guiding us on our path.

    Pranams from Muscat,

  2. We have no option but to discard the scars of previous hurts and insults and start loving everyone unconditionally.Also " Do Your work in a detached way and do not expect anything in return" . If we are not able to change, the nature will force us to change. May the grace of the master help us in this transformation.

  3. We are truly Blessed to be connected to Mahavatar Babaji and getting clear understanding of his teachings through you. These teachings are the need if the time. Thank you for blessing us with your understanding in these testing times.

  4. Thanks Sir Prem Nirmal for the great teaching on Unconditional Love & Forgiveness and for assuring us that if we practice the same we shall be the most benefitted. Thanks too for giving us the knowledge of how negative emotions affect our life creating a pile of depression.

  5. Thanks a ton. Whatever the issue can be solved by this immortal teachings of the immortal Yogi, Sri Mahavatar Babaji, of unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness. Blessed are all of us, to receive such understanding. Gratitude! Gratitude!! Gratitude!!!.

  6. Unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness is the need of the hour especially to see us through the turbulent times ahead. Thank you for all your teachings which always help us and instill in us a need to learn and grow. It is also very clear that one who does not learn and change is in for trouble. Thank you for always reminding us of Babaji's teachings and may his grace help us practise it wholeheartedly.

  7. Pranaam Guruji

    Whatever is inside is reflected outward. So unconditional Love & Forgiveness is the way to Go!! Gratitude to the Great Saint MahaAvtar Babaji & my Guruji.....
    Thank you Chetana

  8. Namaste,
    Bless me Guruji, so that i can practice this "Unconditional Love & Forgiveness to all". This petty little i has no capacity to understand what Unconditional Love and Forgiveness is. Only blessings of the Masters can do this.Thank you guruji.

    "There are only two ways to live your life.
    One is as though nothing is a miracle.
    The other is as if everything is.
    -Albert Einstein"

  9. Dear Guruji,
    We will really miss you this Guru Poornima. The last year has really helped me to experience and appreciate what a joy it is to have a live guru in my life. A Motherly figure , who takes care of you lovingly. A fatherly figure , who will scold you when it is needed. The ultimate Teacher, whose only selfless intention is to help the student become a Master. Words are not sufficient to express my hearty gratitude towards everything that is being done for all of us! May your grace help us in staying in gratitude in the moment of eternal “Now”.

