Prem with Dadaji

Prem with Dadaji
Gratitude! Gratitude!! Gratitude!!!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Pranapat, Shaktipat, Shivapat – The essence of Kriya Yoga

Pranapat, Shaktipat, Shivapat – The essence of Kriya Yoga

We are almost hypnotized by modern medical science to think that we are physical body. But the fact is every human being is a seven body system. From gross to subtler to subtlest the sequence of these seven bodies is as follows: Physical – Etheric – Astral – Mental – Causal – Cosmic – Nirvanic. All these seven bodies are interwoven and it forms various ellipsoids around physical body which can be seen by a clairvoyant person and can also be photographed by modern Kirlian cameras. The second body which is touching the physical body is called Etheric body which is made of Prana hence it is also known as Pranamaya Kosha or Pranic Body. When we touch upon this body, we get the experience of Prana Shakti. This experience is known as Pranapat. "Pat" means "to fall on" or "Shower". Thus "Pranapat" literary means the flow of Prana falling on you! Some simple Kriya exercises when done properly can immediately induce this experience in a very simple manner. Guruji Prem Nirmal recommends "108 Healing Breaths Nirmal Kriya" which is simple to understand and easy to do to repeatedly create this magic of Pranapat on your own!!! Pranapat experience has many advantages such as healing of physical body, removal of stress, depression, anxiety etc.

When we develop our awareness of breath we can see that most of the time, one of the nostrils is dominant and the other one is slightly blocked. Left nostril is known as Ida naadi or Chandra naadi while right nostril is known as Pingala naadi or Surya naadi. Breathing through left nostril creates coolness in the body while breathing through right nostril creates heat in the body. When both these nostrils are perfectly balanced, it opens the middle path known as Shushumna naadi. When the Kundalini Shakti rises from Muladhara Chakra, it pierces other five chakras (Swadhistan – Manipura – Anahata – Vishuddhi – Agya) and opens the Sahashrara chakra. This free flowing experience of Kundalini Shakti is known as Shaktipat. Such Shaktipat experience helps to balance various hormonal secretions from endocrine glands which help to create holistic health. It also cleanses various subtle bodies and prepares a seeker for higher journey on the path to enlightenment. When we do the practices of super conscious meditations "Nirmal Dhyan" in the presence of an enlightened Master, Shaktipat happens on its own accord. You can create the magic of Shaktipat repeatedly, on your own, by practice of six steps of "Nirmal Dhyan". 

When our subtle bodies are cleansed and the awareness grows further with deeper meditation, awareness expands on its own accord. This is thoughtless state of consciousness with expanded awareness. This is Shivapat. This is enlightenment. This is also the “Guru –Kripa”. This is a “Stateless state” in which Guru resides and by being with a Guru, a disciple who is ready for the higher journey gets a glimpse of it. For a disciple, it becomes Satori experience that motivates him to walk the path with greater confidence. Shivapat experience just happens by being with a Master! You can create this magic on your own by practice of sixth step of "Nirmal Dhyan" in Bhairav Mudra.

13 chapters of Tripura Rahasya repeatedly hammer home the same point, emphasizing the presence of the Master for such an inductive or synchronistic experience!

"You can’t borrow the truth from somebody. Anybody who has realized the truth can be at the most a guide to you but you have to search for your own truth only then you will be fulfilled. Otherwise in the midst of plenty that you have, you will remain hungry and thirsty in life" ~ Prem Nirmal

“Kriya – Dhyan – Satsang” Programs are conducted by Prem Nirmal to help you experience “Pranapat – Shaktipat – Shivapat”. These programs are organized by members of “Enlightenment Education Societies – Worldwide” and are free of any money exchange for such programs. If you are interested in attending such programs, you are encouraged to join Yahoo group to get a personal invite mail. Here is a link to Yahoo group...