Prem with Dadaji

Prem with Dadaji
Gratitude! Gratitude!! Gratitude!!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Attitude is the most important. Learn to inculcate the attitude of learning and you will start growing in your life. Be flexible, learn to flow with life. Take every problem as a challenge. You have the capacity to learn from life. Continuously upgrade your Awareness and understanding.  That is the way to walk the path of prosperity. You have all the powers in the world to claim your seven dimensional prosperity. You have all the power and potential in you to change your attitude for better. Look into your blind-spots and come out of it. You have all the powers to enhance your good patterns, healthy patterns. You also have the power to come out of any self-sabotaging patterns. Be willing to learn, be willing to flow with life. Be willing to be flexible to take everything in your stride and move one.

What is true for your material prosperity is also true for your spiritual prosperity. The fundamental dynamics of growth are the same. The way your child grows is the way your business grows. Start nurturing everything around. Nurture your talents, nurture your skills. Nurture your positive attitude, nurture your team. Nurture your family. Start nurturing all the good aspects. Be growth oriented. You have all the powers to think out of the box. Be flexible in your mind,  push the limits of your mind. Enhance the horizon. Start thinking out of the box! Start realizing your potential. You have the capacity to break all the shackles restricting your growth.

You have all the powers to remove the anchors, the non-working belief system - the limiting belief system. You have all the powers to remove your pins of past failures, the hurt and humiliation. Use those powers in your favor. Start learning, start growing.

Do something new to enjoy your life. Come out of your rut, your soul wants to fly, use your creativity in your favor. Take help of all the positive forces and the cosmic forces to learn and grow. You have all the powers to actualize your potential. Awaken that power in you from deep within. It is the quality of your soul. Work to remove all your self-limiting beliefs. Work to remove your parental conditionings, your social conditionings, your cultural conditionings. Allow your atman to become free of all the conditionings.

Practice gratitude all along and invite the Guru-kripa that makes everything possible. By practicing Gratitude you walk the path of enlightenment. And the annihilation of the ego happens.   You start flowing in the present moment.

Full of Awareness you create your own destiny. You have the freedom and the choice in each moment. Start exercising your choice full of Awareness and with the right understanding. That is the way you create your destiny, the way you want. You have the potential to be an Enlightened Billionaire, to enjoy all the material wealth on the outside and be highly spiritual from within. You have the powers to be prosperous, you have the powers to progress in your life. You have the powers to create whatever you want. all the powers are revealed unto you when you let go off the ego with Guru-kripa and get Enlightened. Enlightened state has the infinite capacity to attract the prosperity, all the goodness of life, all the virtues of the life. You become prosperous in the true sense. 

~ Prem Nirmal


  1. The profound teachings so beautifully and eloquently illustrated by the pictures.

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