Prem with Dadaji

Prem with Dadaji
Gratitude! Gratitude!! Gratitude!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Fun Breathing and Science of Prana 

Breath is the bridge between body and mind. It also is a bridge between the physical dimension and the subtle dimensions of human existence. Witnessing the thoughts is very subtle and hence difficult; but breath is more tangible and hence easy to witness! So it becomes easier to approach inner journey through breath!!!

Whenever our mind is carried away by emotions like anger, jealousy, hatred, depression etc. the breathing changes immediately. It may become fast and shallow thus reducing the content of Prana or the Life force which keeps us vital. So a simple way is we must have the methodology of knowing as to what rhythmic breathing is and how to remain in that natural rhythm which obviously is the cosmic rhythm. Then we remain vital and become balanced and peaceful from within. This can be learnt through FUN BREATHING AND SCIENCE OF PRANA. 

Yogis of Himalaya, Taoist Masters from China and Zen Masters of Japan knew these secrets. Many of them being clairvoyant could see Prana the Vital Life Force or Chi or Ki!!!

In Kriya Kundalini Yoga there are many methods to activate and enhance pranic levels of our body. We can even experience these Pranic currents in and around our Physical Body. The experience of Prana is called Pranapat. You will have a chance to experience “Pranapat” firsthand in this session through “108 Healing Breaths Nirmal Kriya” and dive deep into Meditation.

Breath has many secrets and we learn these secrets by being with breath! Breath is our Inner Guru! Our Spiritual Journey is all about moving from Gross to subtle to subtlest. We have to experience prana in its subtlety, more and more that takes us deeper within; into the core of our being!

A FREE session on FUN BREATHING and Science of Prana will be conducted by Prem Nirmal at Om vedic heritage Centre, 43, Tessensohn Road, Singapore 217661. on Sunday 22nd Jan 2012; 7pm to 9.30pm. For Registration contact 629726701 / 64929760/Fax: 31509604 - Shailu (M) 93859520

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