Prem with Dadaji

Prem with Dadaji
Gratitude! Gratitude!! Gratitude!!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Outcome of Meditation

Outcome of Meditation

Thousands of systematic experiments in the field of scientific spirituality are carried out by various groups, seekers and scientists, in different parts of the world. Following are the common outcomes reported by people practicing the preparatory stages of meditation. You can experience it for yourself by experimenting.
Changes found in work environment and at personal level are…

1) Stress levels are reduced drastically.

2) Personal effectiveness enhances.

3) Quality and Productivity levels at work are improved.

4) With 'awareness of the moment', Time management is better taken care of.

5) 'Learning ability' is enhanced drastically.

6) Memory power is increased.

7) Wasteful habits die a natural death.

8) Ability to see 'Right' and 'Wrong' increases drastically.

9) Sleep time requirement gets decreased.

10) Helps to maintain positive attitude towards life.

11) Interpersonal relationships become more qualitative and fulfilling.

12) Understanding human behaviors in every situation becomes easier.

13) Healing of body-mind happens naturally and enhances health at all levels.

14) Peaceful and Joyous state of mind stays for longer duration.

15) Increased levels of patience, forgiveness, quietude and happiness.

People diving deep in meditation have reported following…

1) Intuition starts functioning better.

2) Third eye activation happens over a period of time, leading to seeing of 'Aura' with naked eyes.

3) Ability to 'Astral Project' or 'Astral Travel'.

4) Contact with Angel guides, Higher-Self and other astral masters takes place to take personal messages and guidance.

5) Glimpses of the past lives, realizing the past mistakes and learning through them becomes easier.

6) Realizing the effects of past karmas helps to sort out the problems in present relationships.

7) The purpose of life is better understood.

8) Finally, Enlightenment / Nirvana / Buddhahood is tasted.

Meditation alone is not enough…

It may be true that only a meditator can become enlightened, but only meditation is not enough for enlightenment. Meditation needs to be supplemented with intense 'Swadhyaya' the 'self-study' to develop the intense and clear "UNDERSTANDING" of how the mind functions and governs the behavioral patterns. Without 'Swadhyaya', the ultimate flowering of medita-tion in this new kind of understanding is very difficult.

'Satjana-sangatya', to be in the company of wise one makes it easier to come to that understanding faster. It is not just the words of the master but the energy field of the master that is felt in his presence, can throw a person into meditative awareness and masters' wisdom helps to develop the ultimate understanding.

Meditation alone makes a person fit for 'Swadhyaya' and 'Satjana-sangatya' while 'Swadhyaya' and 'Satjana-sangatya' can save the meditator from the temptations of the senses and falling back into the old patterns of the mind. Meditation, 'Swadhyaya' and 'Satjana-sangatya' together prepare the person for 'Satsang'. 'Satsang' is not 'socializing' with spiritual circles! 'Satsang' means to be with Truth, which is within oneself, in each one of us. This is the awakening of INNER GURU, the ultimate flowering of meditation.


  1. Today truly understood the meaning of "awakening of inner Guru". Thank you very much.


  2. Dear Guruji, With your guidance all of us at TAO Anand Spiritual Centre are walking very fast on the path of spiritual growth. With Kriya Yoga and Meditation we are able to see the coloured AURA of so many people. Many things have opened up for us. Many of us have realised the inner power of our own Atma. Healings also happen with the help of the inner infinite intelligence residing in us. With the higher knowledge and Undertanding given by you immense clarity has emerged in life. Something has settled from inside. Thanks a lot for everything. With profound regards, vinayak

  3. Yes ,Satsang flowers our understanding while meditating increases Awareness. We've been growing in understanding & Awareness by your discourses and practising at TAO

  4. This will motivate me to meditate and be with myself.Thanks a lot Guruji.

  5. Pranam Guruji,
    Thank you very much for throwing light on the true meaning of meditation , Satsang and awakening of INNER GURU.It has motivated me to meditate more in correct way as I love meditating.

  6. Namaskar Sir Prem,

    I have just got into the process of commenting on the blogspot through a chota teacher. I must congratulate you and your efforts in making such wonderful contribution available not only to us but to the world at large. The pictures and the write-ups are truly inspirational, enlightening and as for information we are fortunate to know you and your teachings. God bless your efforts bountifully.
