Prem with Dadaji

Prem with Dadaji
Gratitude! Gratitude!! Gratitude!!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Direct transmission from Higher Self to Higher Self is not the transmission from one to another! It just the transmission in the light of awareness, that has amazing quality of healing - through increasing awareness and understanding. Here is the transcription of one such event at Dubai.

You are the ancient eternal one. You have all the knowledge and all the power within you. You are Siva. By using your Swatantraya Shakti you have come under the effect of maya and forgotten yourself. Because you have forgotten yourself, you are seeking and searching… not knowing you are already that. Understanding that - you are already that - is realizing. For that realizing nothing needs to be done. All the seeking and searching is futile because you are already that. The seeker is sought. This understanding is realizing.

You can come to this understanding instantly anytime anywhere. To settle in this understanding permanently you need to inculcate attitude of learning. Learning and improving daily. Knowing your patterns and by your conscious choice coming out of your self-sabotaging patterns. Through conscious choices and food habit, you can enjoy your excellent health. Body is a good vehicle. Healthy body is necessary for the process of enlightenment and fulfilling your life mission.

Choosing consciously to be simple and humble, we prepare for enlightenment. By consciously practicing attitude of gratitude, we invite grace of the master. Doer-ship cannot bring about the enlightenment. It is the grace of the master that makes it possible. To invite grace of the master you need to prepare yourself with attitude of learning and by being simple and humble and with conscious practice of gratitude you become capable of receiving grace of the master. As you strengthen your wings of Awareness and Understanding you learn to fly in your inner consciousness.

Go on improving your Awareness through meditation. Go on upgrading your Understanding through Satsang and right application of scriptural knowledge. You will become capable of flying higher up in inner consciousness. Repeatedly going through the spirals of experiencing and understanding, and again followed by experiencing you can strengthen your understanding to settle in enlightened state permanently.

Every experience is a passing phase which you need to discard. With every experience you upgrade your understanding. Enlightenment is sustained when the jigsaw puzzle of understanding is complete. All your questions disappear and you are fully rooted in thoughtless awareness. That awareness is your true Self. When awareness becomes aware of itself – It’s called enlightenment! This is the essence of the process of Self-realization. Self is realized through awareness and understanding only. Once enlightenment happens and you grow in your awareness, you start seeing the patterns and with awareness and understanding you can come out of your Self-sabotaging patterns.

In the field of awareness with right understanding, you can cut off from the past completely. Living in the present moment becomes naturally possible! On the path of householder spirituality, you can grow spiritually, as you take care of family members and career and your money earning ability. Without any conflict, with right application of awareness and understanding, you can walk the path of enlightenment.

With your conscious choices, you have all the powers to correct yourself and create healthy patterns in you about matrimonial harmony, about earning and using your money, being helpful to people around and sustaining your enlightenment. You have all the powers within you. As you connect to your higher self, your intuition power  go on increasing, and your higher self which is getting messages through Guru-mandala, start guiding through small little voice of intuition.  Always listen to that voice and respect that voice; be guided by that voice to walk the path of householder’s spirituality.

Every life situation provides us an opportunity to learn and grow. We need to look deep within to understand what you need to learn in a given situation. When you make conscious choice to learn, life situation will change in miraculous manner, because the purpose of the situation is over. Learn to understand – “Insight of life situation” through intuition. You will be guided throughout your life to reach your final destination. In this journey, the way and destination is same.  As you walk the path, each moment is destination. Every moment, go on increasing your awareness and upgrade your understanding. The strength you gained through this process will propel you to go further. It is an eternal journey- there is no end to it. Go on upgrading your understanding and awareness as you walk the path.

Be kind to yourself, forgive and forget. Totally cut off from the past. Start enjoying the present moment. Life is realizing each moment. Each moment is fulfilling when the life is realized in each moment.

To increase the light of awareness is the only spiritual Sadhana. Everything else we do in the name of spirituality is just a preparatory aspect. When the light of awareness starts emitting through you and starts radiating… in that light of awareness everything is understoodAll the questions… all the doubts disappear; the jig sow puzzle is over! With that light of awareness, all the dark patches in your causal body disappear. The light of awareness has the amazing quality of karmakshalan. (Karma delete capacity).  All the dark patches of karmas in the causal body are deleted - when the light of awareness falls on that.

As your light of awareness grows, your entire causal body passes through the transformation! When dark patches of the causal body are eliminated fully, you sustain the enlightened state. You are no more under the effect of past karma. In the light of awareness, you do not build new karma. With your total awareness and understanding, you can enjoy each moment of your life.

Dubai Family Members at Turya's Birthday Party 


You have the freedom to choose. By making conscious choices you create your destiny.

You create your own reality by your own karmas. Your past karmas has created your present reality. Your present karmas will create your future reality. You can change your destiny the way you want by making the conscious choices.

For holistic growth in all the 7 dimension (Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social, Spiritual, Financial, Time) we need to have the attitude of learning and attitude of flexibility. By learning to be flexible you get ready to welcome your higher growth.

Whatever life you are living is your own reality which you have created. If you want to change it, you have a choice. With a series of conscious choices and the attitude of learning you can create your destiny the way you want. On this path of evolutionary journey towards the enlightenment, attitude of gratitude is the most important component, practicing attitude of gratitude brings about amazing results.

1) Be grateful to your mother for giving you the birth.
2) Be grateful to your father for arranging for your education.
3) Be grateful to all your teachers for giving you the education.
4) Be grateful to your spiritual Guru for initiating you on the path.
5) Be grateful to all your customers for giving you the opportunity to serve them.
6) Be grateful to all the atithis, the unknown people coming to you, be grateful to them.

Gratitude has that magical quality that propels you on the path of enlightenment. Be humble be simple in practice of gratitude. It is the gratitude that invites the grace and with grace everything becomes possible. The annihilation of the ego happens with the grace of Guru. Enlightenment happens with the annihilation of ego. Work your ways and do your duties without any doer-ship. Do your duties diligently without any doer-ship. With lot of humility accept your divinity. Through the practice of Kriya and Meditation with lot of gratitude in your heart, walk the path of sustained enlightenment.

Love n Blessings

Prem Nirmal


Attitude is the most important. Learn to inculcate the attitude of learning and you will start growing in your life. Be flexible, learn to flow with life. Take every problem as a challenge. You have the capacity to learn from life. Continuously upgrade your Awareness and understanding.  That is the way to walk the path of prosperity. You have all the powers in the world to claim your seven dimensional prosperity. You have all the power and potential in you to change your attitude for better. Look into your blind-spots and come out of it. You have all the powers to enhance your good patterns, healthy patterns. You also have the power to come out of any self-sabotaging patterns. Be willing to learn, be willing to flow with life. Be willing to be flexible to take everything in your stride and move one.

What is true for your material prosperity is also true for your spiritual prosperity. The fundamental dynamics of growth are the same. The way your child grows is the way your business grows. Start nurturing everything around. Nurture your talents, nurture your skills. Nurture your positive attitude, nurture your team. Nurture your family. Start nurturing all the good aspects. Be growth oriented. You have all the powers to think out of the box. Be flexible in your mind,  push the limits of your mind. Enhance the horizon. Start thinking out of the box! Start realizing your potential. You have the capacity to break all the shackles restricting your growth.

You have all the powers to remove the anchors, the non-working belief system - the limiting belief system. You have all the powers to remove your pins of past failures, the hurt and humiliation. Use those powers in your favor. Start learning, start growing.

Do something new to enjoy your life. Come out of your rut, your soul wants to fly, use your creativity in your favor. Take help of all the positive forces and the cosmic forces to learn and grow. You have all the powers to actualize your potential. Awaken that power in you from deep within. It is the quality of your soul. Work to remove all your self-limiting beliefs. Work to remove your parental conditionings, your social conditionings, your cultural conditionings. Allow your atman to become free of all the conditionings.

Practice gratitude all along and invite the Guru-kripa that makes everything possible. By practicing Gratitude you walk the path of enlightenment. And the annihilation of the ego happens.   You start flowing in the present moment.

Full of Awareness you create your own destiny. You have the freedom and the choice in each moment. Start exercising your choice full of Awareness and with the right understanding. That is the way you create your destiny, the way you want. You have the potential to be an Enlightened Billionaire, to enjoy all the material wealth on the outside and be highly spiritual from within. You have the powers to be prosperous, you have the powers to progress in your life. You have the powers to create whatever you want. all the powers are revealed unto you when you let go off the ego with Guru-kripa and get Enlightened. Enlightened state has the infinite capacity to attract the prosperity, all the goodness of life, all the virtues of the life. You become prosperous in the true sense. 

~ Prem Nirmal